英 [ə'ʃeɪmd]美[ə'ʃemd]
- adj. 惭愧的,感到难为情的;耻于……的
- The football riots made me ashamed to be English.
- 足球骚乱事件使我身为英国人汗颜得无地自容。
- Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of .
- 精神病并不可羞愧。
- I'm ashamed to say that I lied to her.
- 我真不好意思说我向她撒了谎。
- I cried at the end and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
- 最后我哭了,我并不耻于承认哭过。
- She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party.
- 她对自己在聚会上的行为深感羞愧。
- His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed of her.
- 他为女儿的邋遢样子感到害臊。
- You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.
- 你扯这种谎应该感到羞耻。
- I feel almost ashamed that I've been so lucky.
- 真有点不好意思,我太幸运了。
- I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry...
- 我对自己发那么大的火而深感惭愧。
- She was ashamed that she looked so shabby...
- 她因为自己衣衫褴褛而感到无地自容。
- I've never told this to anyone, but it's true, I was terribly ashamed of my mum.
- 这件事我从来没告诉过别人,但是我真的为我妈感到很害臊。
- Women are often ashamed to admit they are being abused.
- 妇女对受到的侵犯常常羞于承认。
- Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in.
- 她的房间十分凌乱,所以不好意思请我进去.
- Not feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below.
- 不耻下问.
- Are you ashamed of your conduct?
- 你对自己的行为感到害臊 吗 ?
- I should be ashamed to show my face in public.
- 我不好意思抛头露面.
- I am half ashamed to confess it.
- 承认这事我真有些羞愧.
- Of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.
- 当然,常常向人借钱他自己也会惭愧的.
- I was ashamed to tell him that I had failed.
- 我惭愧地将我的失败告诉了他.
- Her husband felt ashamed at her behaviour.
- 她丈夫为她的行为感到害臊.
- You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
- 你那样巴结董事,应该感到羞耻.
- What is there to be ashamed of confessing one's errors?
- 承认自己的错误有什么可羞惭的 呢 ?
- He felt ashamed of having done so little.
- 他为自己干得太少而感到羞愧.
- You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behaviour.
- 你应当为自己的愚蠢行为而感到羞耻.
- They were ashamed of themselves.
- 他们为自己感到害臊.
- He is terribly ashamed of what he did.
- 他为自己所干的事愧疚不堪.
- He felt very much ashamed whenever he encountered any of his old mates.
- 每遇到老相识时,他总是感到很难为情.
- Don't feel ashamed — we don't despise the widow's mite , and, as they say, every penny helps.
- 不用觉得不好意思——我们不会瞧不起微薄但可贵的捐赠的, 正如人们说的, 每一文钱都会起作用.
- He is ashamed to show his face at the club.
- 他不好意思在俱乐部露脸.
- I am utterly ashamed of you.
- 我实在为你感到害臊.